.. NeoPZ documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Mar 24 17:39:38 2021. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. within the documentation one will find general restructured text info : https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html sphinx syntax https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/domains.html#basic-markup breathe syntax https://breathe.readthedocs.io/en/latest/directives.html doxygen directives https://www.doxygen.nl/index.html blog on installing doxygen breathe sphinx https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/clear-functional-c-documentation-with-sphinx-breathe-doxygen-cmake/ Welcome to NeoPZ's documentation! ================================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: analysis/index.rst material/index.rst structmatrix/index.rst solver/index.rst shape/index.rst util/index.rst Introduction ------------ This documentation is an ongoing work. The following sections have been written: - :doc:`analysis/index` How a FEM analysis is performed in NeoPZ - :doc:`material/index` How weak formulations are implemented - :doc:`structmatrix/index` How different matrix storage formats can be used - :doc:`solver/index` Available solvers in NeoPZ - :doc:`shape/index` Shape functions available in NeoPZ - :doc:`util/index` Utility classes available in NeoPZ .. note:: In this documentation the most relevant methods and classes are presented and discussed. Users are encouraged to use Doxygen to generate a complete documentation. About ----- The NeoPZ environment is a object oriented environment for the development finite element simulations. The NeoPZ environment (in the future quoted as simply NeoPZ) incorporates several advanced finite element technologies in a single coherent structure, allowing its user to develop sophisticated simulations in a short period of time. Motivation: Why develop a finite element library? ------------------------------------------------- During my PhD work (late 1980's) I developed hp-adaptive finite element algorithms applied to the simulation of compressible fluid flow. The first version of the adaptive mesh datastructure dates back to 1984. I soon noticed that adaptivity is a universal concept which can be applied to virtually any finite element simulation. During the time I studied in Texas, adaptivity was applied to the Stokes equations,to plasticity, to thermal problems, convection problems etc. On the other hand, It was obvious that writing an hp-adaptive code requires a major investment. It takes at least two years to write and validate a three dimensional adaptive finite element code. At that time I imagined it would be possible to write a finite element framework that would be allow its user to apply hp-adaptive strategies to different systems of differential equations in a single framework. More recently, the concept of generality has been extended in that the NeoPZ library allows its user to choose the approximation space as well. One can approximate a differential equation with continuous or discontinuous approximation spaces. Denise Siqueira implemented two dimensional HDiv spaces in the library. Objectives ---------- The objective of the NeoPZ environment is to provide its user access to advanced finite element technologies within a coherent framework. Wherever possible those technologies should be able to interact with each other. .. What is meant by "advanced technologies" is documented in the section ADD_SEC Authors ------- .. list-table:: :widths: 50 50 :header-rows: 0 * - Philippe Remy Bernard Devloo (`Lattes `__) - Jorge Lizardo Diaz Calle (`Lattes `__) * - Edimar Cesar Rylo (`Lattes `__) - Gustavo Camargo Longhin (`Lattes `__) * - Erick Raggio Slis dos Santos (`Lattes `__) - Tiago Luis Duarte Forti (`Lattes `__) * - Paulo Cesar de Alvarenga Lucci (`Lattes `__) - Denise de Siqueira (`Lattes `__) * - Agnaldo Monteiro Farias (`Lattes `__) - Joao Luis Gonçalves (`Lattes `__) * - Diogo Lira Cecilio (`Lattes `__) - Nathan Shauer (`Lattes `__) * - Cedric Marcelo Augusto Ayala Bravo (`Lattes `__) - Renato Gomes Damas (`Lattes `__) * - Misael Luis Santana Mandujano - Others Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`